Hitachi Data Systems Certification HH0-200 Exam

300-2503VUE/Prometric Code: HH0-200

Exam Name: Certified modular integration specialist exam
Questions and Answers: 108 Q&As
Price: $ 99
Updated: 2009-05-14

High quality and Value for the HH0-200 Exam.

Killtest Practice Exams for HH0-200 are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, provided by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development.

You have assembled and installed a Hitachi Thunder 9570V?subsystemRK and a RKA into a 19 inch
rack. The system parameters have also been configured. The customer now needs to use port 0A in
order to connect HP-UX with a LUN 0 and Solaris with a LUN 0 on the same port. Which two will enable
this configuration? (Choose two.)

A. install the LUN SECURITY license

B. create two host groups on port 0A

C. install the LUN-MANAGEMENT license

D. configure port 0A to work in HP-UX mode

Answer: BC

You are connected to a Hitachi Thunder 9500V?Series subsystem using Hitachi?Resource Manager
GUI. You have created LUNs for 12D+1P RAID group, and now you want to set up one spare disk. Given
the following steps: Settings-> Logical Settings

B. select Settings-> Configuration Settings

C. select the Logical Settings tab Settings-> Logical Unit-> Set Spare Drive the
disk that you want to set up as spare the Spare Drive tab

A. B, F, E

B. B, F, G

C. D, C, E

D. F, C, G

Answer: B

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