Microsoft certified IT experts MCITP


MCITP Certification is the short title of Microsoft certified IT experts. MCITP belongs to the Intermediate certificate of Microsoft’s new certification system. MCITP requests candidates to pass one or more MCTS certification first. MCITP focus on specific job roles, including design, project management, operations management and planning. It need to be re-certified in order to maintain effective.



If candidates want to take MCITP, they must pass one or more MCTS certification first. But, it doesn’t request any diploma. Of course, it is better that you can have the basic computer application ability. Microsoft suggests that it’s the best for candidates to have certain experience in software and technology applications. have a low price and high quality. It is a safer and easier way to take MCITP.



After you take MCITP, you can find a job in the directions of project management or operation and management, just like technical support engineers, systems analyst, network analysts, and technical Adviser.



If you have gotten MCDBA certificate, you can update it to MCITP.

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