Networked Storage and Business Continuity

Benefits storage architects, administrators or Managers; CIOs or Project Managers; or recent additions to storage and information management teams.

You will learn to make informed decisions across multiple technologies involving SAN, NAS, CAS, IP-SAN, Backup and Recovery, Business Continuity, Security and Virtualization. Prepare for your Associate Level Certification.

Associate Courses

Information Storage and Management (Instructor-Led)

This course includes the following modules:

Introduction to Networked Storage

l  Describe the evolution of networked storage

l  Describe the architecture, components, and topologies of FC-SAN, NAS, and IP-SAN

l  Describe the benefits of the different networked storage options

l  Understand the need for long-term archiving solutions and describe how CAS fulfills the needs

l  Understand the appropriateness of the different networked storage options for different application environments






Business Continuity

l  List reasons for planned/unplanned outages

l  Describe the impact of downtime

l  Differentiate between Business Continuity (BC) and Disaster Recovery (DR)

l  Define RTO and RPO

l  Identify single points of failure in a storage infrastructure and list solutions to mitigate these failures

l  Describe the architecture of Backup/Recovery and the different Backup/ Recovery topologies

l  Describe local replication technologies and their role in ensuring information availability and business continuity

l  Describe remote replication technologies and their role in providing disaster recovery and business continuity capabilities


William, the support of


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