Introduction of The Open Group Certification

Following OG0-081 and OG0-9AB high quality exam dumps published on, many friends request us to crack out the latest exam dumps for OG0-091 and OG0-092 exams. Though we have tried several times to crack them out, we have not gotten the latest exams dumps for them now. It is difficult to get the high quality exam dumps from the open group. But we will not give up. If we get the latest exam dumps for OG0-091 and OG0-092 exams, we will publish them on our website directly.

Details about the OPEN GROUP Certification:

The Open Group offers examination tests for both TOGAF 8 and TOGAF 9.

The TOGAF 8 examination is available only at Prometric test centers (see below)

The TOGAF 9 certification examinations are available through two channels, via Accredited TOGAF Training Course providers that offer the examination, and also through Prometric at its test centers worldwide.

Please note that not all Accredited TOGAF Training Course providers offer the examination, some prefer to offer vouchers to attend a Prometric test center. Please check with your accredited training course provider.

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