Killtest ST0-29B Real Exam Questions

As Xmas is coming now, so everyone who need Killtest ST0-29B real exam questions material can contact Killtest ASAP. They can help you solve the prolbem as they can. They just want to give the success to the candidates who are planning to take this Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 MR 4(STS) ST0-29B certification exam.

Meanwhile, new Symantec STS-Partner-Accreditation ST0-29B real  exam questions material is out on now, there are 65 exam questions in Killtest ST0-29B real exam questions material ,as some of our customers need this certification recently, so we do our best to get the ST0-29B real exam questions material.

When is enabled, protection is optional for which type of file access?
A. write 
B. delete 
C. backup 
D. restore 
Answer: C
Which two actionsare availablewhen TruScanProactiveThreat Scan detectsa trojan or worm?(Select two.)
A. delete 
B. ignore 
C. terminate 
D. quarantine 
E. clean 
Answer: C,D

All email is disabled, and an administrator recedes an email from an associate  with a zip file attached. There are three files in the .zip file that are needed for the  administrator’s presentation the new day. What neitherof them realize is that one of the filesis infected with a virus. When win Pile system Detect this infected tile? 
A. when the email is opened 
B. when the .zip file is opened 
C. when the .zip rue is saved to the administrator’s desktop 
D. when the email is closed 
Answer: B 

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