JK0-017 Exam Preparation

If you want to get the latest CompTIA JK0-017 exam materials for your exam preparation, Killtest is your first and best choice. As all know, CompTIA Certification is valuable and useful for everyone to get. The CompTIA Certified Professional community is a network of qualified CompTIA channel partners, customers, and employees who have taken the courses and studied the associated reference material necessary to pass the certification exams that earn CompTIA Certified Professional credentials.
Some JK0-017 exam questions and answers are as follows, you can have a look:
1.Which of the following is the purpose of a milestone schedule?
A.A detailed summary of the project milestones that need to be achieved
B.A summary level timetable of the major project milestones
C.A summary of the anticipated milestones and the issues identified for the project
D.A detailed summary of the anticipated milestones and risks identified for the project
Answer: A
2.A project change is approved by the Change Control Board that modifies the project scope.Which of the following is the NEXT step that the project
A.Construct a detailed plan to implement the change
B.Analyze the Impact of the change request
C.Document the request in the change control log
D.Request a meeting with the project sponsor to discuss scope creep
Answer: A
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