CCNP Data Center Certification 642-998 practice exam

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Which three characteristics are associated with the access layer of a Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric network? (Choose three.)
A. no packet manipulation
B. .QoS policing
C. voice, data, and wireless convergence
D. scalable routing protocols
E. provides default gateway redundancy
F. QoS classification and queuing
G. routing manipulation and filtering
H. aggregates end users
Answer: C,F,H

Which protocol is best suited for connecting two data centers together?
The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
4 / 4
C. FabricPath
D. vPC
Answer: B.

Which statement about the Overlay Transport Virtualization protocol is true?
A. It is IP-based functionality that provides Layer 3 extension over any transport.
B. .The data plane exchanges MAC reachability info.
C. The control plane protocol is IS-IS.
D. It supports FCoE.
Answer: C

What is one example of a fully virtualized environment in the data center?
A. Hadoop clusters
C. vPC
Answer: B.

CCNP Data Center Certification 642-998 practice exam from Killtest have been released now. With Killtest, you can pass the 642-998 Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing easily. Killtest 642-998 Cisco study guide and 642-998 simulator exam are ideal for preparing Cisco certification exam as exam day. The 642-998 test questions give you sufficient base for passing CCNP Data Center 642-998 exam with a good score. Killtest CCNP Data Center Certification 642-998 practice exam for Cisco are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, using only certified subject matter experts and published authors for development.

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