Killtest Lpi 117-201 LPIC-2 Exam 201 test engine

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Killtest Lpi 117-201 LPIC-2 Exam 201 test engine contain the real Lpi 117-201 exam traning, 117-201 test question, 117-201 study guide. All 117-201 questions and answers will ensure your 100% pass the Lpi 117-201 exam more easily. We prepare the 117-201 LPI level 2 Exam 201 test so they give you a feel of the real exam for the 117-201 certificate. With the help of Killtest Lpi 117-201 LPIC-2 Exam 201 test engine, you can secure an excellent score in the 117-201 Lpi certification exam. The Lpi 117-201 LPIC-2 Exam 201 test engine on Killtest website is really IT exams, and by downloading its braindumps one can easily pass actual exam as well.

Killtest Lpi LPIC-2 117-201 exam demo sharing:

In order to find all library dependencies of /usr/bin/foo, which of the following statement is true?
A.Running ldconfig against /usr/bin/foo will show the required libraries
B.Running ldd against /usr/bin/foo will show the required libraries
C.It’s necessary to compile the program again to check the library dependencies of foo.
D.The ls -la command has to be run in the /usr/bin directory, to show all library dependencies of foo.
E.Library dependencies are shown in the /usr/lib directory.
Answer: B 

What command is used to create an ISO9660 filesystem that can be properly accessed from a
Windows 95/98 machine?
A.mkisofs -l -o backup.iso /home/joe
B.mkisofs -J -T -r -o backup.iso /home/joe
C.mkisofs -D -T -o backup.iso /home/joe
D.mkisofs -j -T -o backup.iso /home/joe
E.mkisofs -d -T -o backup.iso /home/joe
Answer: B

What happens when the Linux kernel can’t mount the root filesystem when booting?
A.An error message is shown, showing which device couldn’t be mounted or informing that init couldn’t be
B.An error message is shown and the system reboots after a keypress.
C.An error message is shown and the system boots in maintenance mode.
D.An error message is shown and the administrator is asked to specify a valid root filesystem to continue
the boot process.
E.An error message is shown, stating that the corresponding kernel module couldn’t be loaded.
Answer: A 

Which command would you use to apply a diff file to an original?
A.patch > diff-file
B.patch < diff-file
C.patch << diff-file diff-file >> kernel diff-file << kernel
Answer: B

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