C9020-460 on the market there are many resource materials, but the content too much, to complete all learning may take a long time. We all know that IBM C9020-460 Midrange Storage Sales V2 practice test is a popular exam IBM certification exam can be a very good market acceptance. Meanwhile, the IBM C9020-460 Midrange Storage Sales V2 practice test is a relatively difficult test, because it includes a lot of problems, how to quickly grasp all the knowledge it has always been a difficult point. Killtest IBM C9020-460 Midrange Storage Sales V2 practice test is written and formatted by Certified Senior IT Professionals working in today’s prospering companies and data centers all over the world!
Killtest IBM Certification C9020-460 Test Questions:
The customer currently has standalone servers with internal storage and wants to add SAN storage to its environment. What is the least cost option for connecting storage to the existing host systems?
C. InfiniBand
D. Fibre Channel
Answer: B
An IBM Business Partner is meeting with a large manufacturing customer for the second time. In a previous meeting the backup administrator mentioned that end-of-month processing slows to a crawl when backing up data. After an assessment, the Business Partner finds that the tape solution in place is several years old and coming off lease in 2 months. Who will make the decision to fund this project?
A. The Chief Security Officer
B. The Chief Financial Officer
C. The Chief Marketing Officer
D. The Chief Compliance Officer
Answer: B
A customer has a project to consolidate its Windows servers environment to VMWare and needs to design a new backup/restore solution to simplify and integrate it into the VMWare administrator interface. Which IBM software solution will address the requirement?
A. IBM Spectrum Protect for VMWare
B. IBM Spectrum Protect for Operations Center
C. IBM Spectrum Protect for VMWare Web Client
D. IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments
Answer: D
A customer is looking for a storage solution that offers functions like Metro and Global mirroring, point-in-time copy, automated multi-tiering, iSCSI, FCP and direct SAS connectivity to the hosts. Which product should the sales representative recommend?
A. IBM Storwize V7000
B. IBM Storwize V3700
C. IBM FlashSystem V840
D. IBM Storwize V7000 Unified
Answer: B
A customer is looking for a backup to disk solution for its Windows environment.Which solution should you recommend?
A. IBM Tivoli Productivity Center
B. IBM Tivoli FlashCopy Manager
C. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack
D. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows
Answer: C
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You can get your desired career which you dreamed with passing IBM C9020-460 exam and getting the certificate. Killtest IBM C9020-460 Midrange Storage Sales V2 practice test contain the complete unrestricted practice exam. This IBM Certified Specialist C9020-460 practice exam of just one of these, including many exams, so you can easily through the IBM Certified Specialist C9020-460 test, no matter you are through to your product certificate or any other today popular authentication. To help with these preparations there are plenty of Killtest IBM C9020-460 Midrange Storage Sales V2 practice test available on the Internet that can dispel all these fears and nervousness.
Adequate preparation and assessment of one’s readiness for the actual certification test are key success factors in achieving IBM exam C9020-460 exam certification. To this end, the IBM Certified Specialist certification team is pleased to announce that the worldwide IBM Certified Specialist, applicable to all Killtest IBM C9020-460 Midrange Storage Sales V2 practice test. IBM C9020-460 Midrange Storage Sales V2 practice test have proved to be highly knowledgeable for the candidates. Most of the Information Technology companies have made IBM C9020-460 exam, as their standard measurement tool to verify knowledge of potential professionals for IBM product.
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