2018 Huawei H12-211 HCNA-HNTD Exam Questions Killtest

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HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Network Technology and Device) | H12-211 HCNA-HNTD Exam | Killtest H12-211-ENU Test Questions

When the specified interface running at RIPv2 multicast mode, which of the following statement is correct? ( ) (Select 2 answers)
A. receive only RIPv2 multicast messages
B. does not receive RIPv1 broadcast messages
C. receive RIPv1 broadcast messages
D. RIPv1 receive multicast messages
Answer: AB

ALC will not filter equipment itself generated traffic which access to other devices; only filter forward traffic, in the forwarding traffic includes traffic which other devices access the device.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

<Huawei> system-View
[Huawei] user-interface console 0
[Huawei-ui-console0] user privilege level 15
[Huawei-ui-console0] authentication-mode password
[Huawei-ui-console0] set authentication password cipher huawei2012
[Huawei-ui-console0] quit
Which of the following statements about the above configuration commands is wrong?
A. administrators want to login and manage equipment through the console port
B. after configuration is complete, the administrator cannot implement the equipment management through remote login way
C. the users who login the equipment through the console had the highest privilege level
D. the users login the equipment through the console, whose password is “cipher huawei2012”
Answer: D

As shown, which of the following description is correct about the frame relay network equipment?( ) (select 2 answers)

A. RTA is a DTE device
B. FRA is a DTE device
C. FRB is a DCE device
D. S1/0/1 interface on the RTA is DCE interface
Answer: AC

The network administrator in a network to capture a data frame to the destination MAC address is 01-00-5E-A0-B1-C3.
Which statement of the Mac address is correct ( )
A. It is a unicast MAC address
B. It is a broadcast MAC address
C. It is a multicast MAC address
D. It is an illegal MAC address
Answer: C

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