Many candidates attempt for CSWP-205 Certified Wireless Security Professional exam questions whereas most of them face the problem of unavailability of quality in CWSP-205 training matters. Luckily for all the CWNP CWSP-205 experts, Killtest is now here to help you with your IT certification problems, as we are the best CWNP CWSP-205 practice exam providing vendor. Highly comprehensive in nature, CSWP-205 Certified Wireless Security Professional exam questions ensure maximum results with minimum efforts in shortest possible time. If you choose this CWSP-205 practice test you do not have to worry about the selection of products, since the package contains everything required for successful Certified Wireless Security Professional.
Studying with CSWP-205 Certified Wireless Security Professional exam questions makes it much easier to pass the CWNP certification. Number of networking downloads including the CWSP Certification CWSP-205 test questions are available on the website. Various websites offering such information have CWSP Certification CWSP-205 Exam in various formats you can easily download the format that is suitable for you it can be in CWSP Certification CWSP-205 exam or in html. Killtest provides comprehensive CSWP-205 Certified Wireless Security Professional exam questions to help the candidates become CWSP Certification certified professionals.
Killtest is your premier source of CWSP-205 test. With Killtest CSWP-205 Certified Wireless Security Professional exam questions, no other vendor will be able to compare to quality CWSP-205 study guides. Killtest CWSP Certification CWSP-205 test is always updated to provide you the most actual information available and this is done with the help of Killtest professional’s team of certification experts, technical staff, and comprehensive language masters who are always in-touch with the changes in the CWSP-205 exam. Killtest CSWP-205 Certified Wireless Security Professional exam questions are designed with questions, coupled with precise, logical and verified answers.
Given: John Smith uses a coffee shop’s Internet hot-spot (no authentication or encryption) to transfer funds between his checking and savings accounts at his bank’s website. The bank’s website uses the HTTPS protocol to protect sensitive account information. While John was using the hot-spot, a hacker was able to obtain John’s bank account user ID and password and exploit this information.
What likely scenario could have allowed the hacker to obtain John’s bank account user ID and password?
A. John’s bank is using an expired X.509 certificate on their web server. The certificate is on John’s Certificate Revocation List (CRL), causing the user ID and password to be sent unencrypted.
B. John uses the same username and password for banking that he does for email. John used a POP3 email client at the wireless hot-spot to check his email, and the user ID and password were not encrypted.
C. John accessed his corporate network with his IPSec VPN software at the wireless hot-spot. An IPSec VPN only encrypts data, so the user ID and password were sent in clear text. John uses the same username and password for banking that he does for his IPSec VPN software.
D. The bank’s web server is using an X.509 certificate that is not signed by a root CA, causing the user ID and password to be sent unencrypted.
E. Before connecting to the bank’s website, John’s association to the AP was hijacked. The attacker intercepted the HTTPS public encryption key from the bank’s web server and has decrypted John’s login credentials in near real-time.
Answer: B
What type of WLAN attack is prevented with the use of a per-MPDU TKIP sequence counter (TSC)?
A. Weak-IV
B. Forgery
C. Replay
D. Bit-flipping
E. Session hijacking
Answer: C
What 802.11 WLAN security problem is directly addressed by mutual authentication?
A. Wireless hijacking attacks
B. Weak password policies
C. MAC spoofing
D. Disassociation attacks
E. Offline dictionary attacks
F. Weak Initialization Vectors
Answer: A
ABC Company uses the wireless network for highly sensitive network traffic. For that reason, they intend to protect their network in all possible ways. They are continually researching new network threats and new preventative measures. They are interested in the security benefits of 802.11w, but would like to know its limitations.
What types of wireless attacks are protected by 802.11w? (Choose 2)
A. RF DoS attacks
B. Layer 2 Disassociation attacks
C. Robust management frame replay attacks
D. Social engineering attacks
Answer: B,C
You are configuring seven APs to prevent common security attacks. The APs are to be installed in a small business and to reduce costs, the company decided to install all consumer-grade wireless routers.
The wireless routers will connect to a switch, which connects directly to the Internet connection providing 50 Mbps of Internet bandwidth that will be shared among 53 wireless clients and 17 wired clients.
To ensure the wireless network is as secure as possible from common attacks, what security measure can you implement given only the hardware referenced?
A. WPA-Enterprise
B. 802.1X/EAP-PEAP
C. WPA2-Enterprise
D. WPA2-Personal
Answer: D
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