Netapp NCDA NS0-157 study guide

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Killtest NS0-157 Exam Questions Demo:

Which NetApp management tool generates reports on volume storage capacity trending information?
A. Virtual Storage Console
B. OnCommand Unified Manager
C. OnCommand System Manager
D. OnCommand Workflow Automation
Answer: B

What are two FPolicy methods for applications? (Choose two.)
A. asynchronous
B. semi-synchronous
C. direct
D. synchronous
Answer: A, D

A customer wants to retire a broadcast domain called bcast1 from the cluster. All network ports and data LIFs previously using bcast1 have been moved to another broadcast domain. When the administrator attempts to delete the broadcast domain, the deletion fails.
What is causing the problem?
A. The IPspace, that the broadcast domain uses, still exists.
B. The cluster ports are using the bcast1 broadcast domain.
C. There are still subnets associated with the broadcast domain.
D. The SVM has not been deleted.
Answer: A

When using SnapRestore, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. A single file can be restored.
B. Performing a volume level restore from a Snapshot copy may delete other Snapshots.
C. Individual LUNs cannot be restored.
D. Before restoring a volume it must be taken offline.
Answer: A, B


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