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NCDA logos and certificates will be granted to those individuals who successfully pass either of the following:
• NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP (NS0-158) exam
• NetApp Certified 7-Mode Data Administrator (NS0-155) exam
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NS0-158 NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP NetApp NS0-158 Practice Test 2017
A customer¡¯s Linux Oracle database requires a SAN solution with multiple FC connections for path resiliency and performance. The host has been provisioned with two dual-port FC HBAs, and each HBA is connected to each fabric.
Before configuring the storage, what host information should the storage administrator obtain from the customer? (Choose two.)
A. if the FC HBAs ports are all configured for an active/passive configuration.
B. the amount of cache memory installed in the host
C. if the DM-MP with ALUA support is configured on the host
D. the WWPNs of all the FC ports in the host
Answer: C,D
A customer created a volume with the wrong language code. What should a customer do to correct this problem?
A. Delete the volume and create a volume with the correct language code.
B. Take the volume offline and change the language code.
C. Change the language code on the volume.
D. Change the language code on the parent storage virtual machine.
Answer: A
You change the volume junction-path of vol1 from /vol/vol1 to /vol1. NFS clients are unable to connect to the new path/vol1.
Which mirrors need to be updated to solve this problem?
A. TDP mirrors of the SVM root volume.
B. XDP mirrors of the SVM root volume
C. DP mirrors of the SVM root volume
D. LS mirrors of the SVM root volume
Answer: D
You acquired a new company that has the same private IP address range.
What must be set up on the NetApp cluster to support the duplicate networks?
B. failover groups
C. IPspaces
D. DNS zone
Answer: C
Individuals attract towards the Network Appliance certifications exams as they are the hard work of the really competent IT experts. Killtest NetApp Certified Data Administrator (NCDA) NS0-158 Exam NS0-158 Practice Test cover 100% Network Appliance NS0-158 Exam Objectives while preparing you for the practical life at the same time. The true way for passing the NS0-158 exam is to get in-touch with us to obtain the Network Appliance certificate. Killtest provides NetApp Certified Data Administrator (NCDA) NS0-158 Exam NS0-158 Practice Test that will lead to your certification success. The Network Appliance NCDA Certification certification is the prerequisite for any Network Appliance Certification. If you want to reach a professional or expert level in the Network Appliance career certification tracks, passing Network Appliance NCDA Certification NS0-158 Test is the first step. Killtest offers Network Appliance NS0-158 PDF and Testing Engine that makes your purchase a risk-free process. We are confident that NetApp Certified Data Administrator (NCDA) NS0-158 Exam NS0-158 Practice Test is qualitative enough to make you satisfied with the product.
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